
Psychological Counseling

- English and German- 

Welcome to our psychological counseling services, where we blend behavioral and psychodynamic approaches to support your journey towards mental well-being and self-discovery.

Led by a clinical psychologist counselor and meditator with a background in psychoanalysis, our aim is to facilitate the exploration of your unique model of the world. We understand the importance of articulating thoughts and feelings, and we're here to help you do just that.

Through a variety of therapeutic techniques, including Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), life coaching, Internal Family Systems (IFS), and mindfulness practices, we provide a comprehensive framework for reflection and growth. Whether it's uncovering your values, understanding your motivations, or challenging the myths that shape your perceptions, we tailor our approach to meet your individual needs.

Our ultimate goal is to support you in achieving self-actualization and living your truth. Whether you're seeking change or seeking to create enabling structures in your life, we're here to accompany you on your journey towards a more fulfilling and authentic existence.

Take the first step towards greater self-awareness and emotional well-being by reaching out to us today. We're here to support you every step of the way.

Ernährungstherapie und Diätassistenz

- English and German- 

Viele Beschwerden können ernährungstherapeutisch gelindert und Erkrankungen sogar geheilt werden. Auch präventiv kann die richtige Ernährung Grundlage für ein gesundes Leben sein. Mein Ziel ist es, Deine Beschwerden zu reduzieren und Deine Lebensqualität damit zu steigern.

Kann von den Krankenkassen bezuschusst werden.

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Unwohlsein im eigenen Körper bringt eine psychische sowie physische Belastungen mit sich. Gemeinsam bauen wir einen aktiven und bewussten Lebensstil in Deinen Alltag ein. Ich zeige Dir einen Weg, wie Du Dein Wunschgewicht genussvoll und ohne Jojo-Effekt erreichen kannst.